This is the beginning…my beginning

Is this just another blog about weight loss?  No.  It’s about you.  You’re here because you are looking for inspiration.  You’re looking for that success story, but not just any success story, one that ends with you.  This is so much more than one woman’s journey to get back into shape and eat better.  It’s about my journey and your journey to find ourselves again.  To balance who we used to be, with who we are today.  As women, we spin so many different plates over our heads, trying to keep them all from smashing to the ground, all while smiling and looking good doing it!  It’s in our DNA I suppose.  It’s social pressure really.  But I’m making this commitment to balance myself again in order to reassert that being a mom and a wife doesn’t mean we have to forget to take care of our well being, our passion for life, our health; our purpose.

I want you to follow me on my journey and please comment along the way!  I hope that I will inspire you to follow your own path to a healthier, happier you.  This is what I call, a positive pressure to stick to to it!  This is my public platform to hold myself accountable and to track my journey, making this commitment more real.  Cause your watching and reading and I don’t want to let you down; I won’t let you down.  And at the end, I will be successful and I want you to join me. I want to share my tools with you, the tools that I have yet to embark upon and discover for myself.  I will give them to you to create your own success.

Who am I?  I’m just like you. Our stories may not be identical, but our struggle to put ourselves first sure is.  Seven years ago, I was an adventure loving, skydiving, motorcycle riding, world traveling single, career driven woman.  I worked out, I ran, I cycled, I loved it.  I had a 500 square foot efficiency apartment, the cutest convertible new beetle, and loving little beagle/dachshund mutt, Fideo.  Life was simple, life was mine and I was in the driver seat.

Today, I’m 37 years old and 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby.  I have a two year old and I’ve been married for 5 years.  I just left my corporate job after 8 years (more about that later).  Before you start feeling sorry for me, I’m exactly where I want to be.

We live on a beautiful remote property in the Big Bend…West Texas.  Before I met my husband in 2009, I didn’t know what or where that was, so if you aren’t familiar, click on the hyperlink, you’ll see images of what is essentially my back yard.  Before we were even engaged, we were closing on our property out here. That is how quickly I fell in love with both my husband and the Big Bend.  Don’t get me wrong, this rose has its thorns (yes, both being married and living in the remote west Texas desert), but like everything beautiful in life, it’s all worth it. Los Alamos Ranch gives me the gift of peace and serenity, with not a single car, plane or train to interrupt a quiet meditation.  And the sunrises and sunsets that paint the sky and desert rock bring me a daily calm and balance we all need.Los Alamos Sunrise We’ve spent the last six years making the Big Bend our home and managing our jobs remotely.  Along the way we had our daughter, and a little more along the way, we are 28 days from meeting our second baby.

Living remote and growing our family has given me pause to my own professional career and personal goals.  This has been a tough chapter for me.  Swallowing my pride, I had to accept that I couldn’t possibly give 100% to my career and family.  Ladies, this is where I know you can relate.

I stopped working about six weeks ago, and I miss it. I know it’s crazy but I do.  I miss my colleagues, I miss the work.  It made me feel like I was more than a mom.  That I could handle some pretty big projects, not that my daughter isn’t!  But it balanced me.

Starting a family also gave pause to my personal goals.  Yes, my hobbies like photography have taken a back seat for a few years now.  But my biggest personal goal I’ve let go of is me.  ME!  I can’t remember the last time I broke a sweat!  Yes, I’m pregnant, and I was pregnant two years ago and I love using it as an excuse to eat bad and not work out.  I gained over 50 pounds with my daughter and although I lost most of it before I got pregnant again, this thirty-something year old body just isn’t bouncing back the way it used to.  And now there is this little urge inside of me that wants to kick the bad habits and get in the best shape of my life before my 40th birthday!

I’m here today to begin my own personal journey with, Power Play. Power Play, is a wellness and empowerment retreat for women right here in the Big Bend with an inaugural session starting in 2017 and starting with me as a shinning example.  It’s for women like you and me who are ready to take back control and balance in our lives.  Ready to be that person deep inside that is screaming to come out.  Power Play was born out here in the Big Bend, on our property, Los Alamos Ranch.  I don’t have a gym, I don’t even have a grocery story out here.  I have a two year old and soon a newborn that will depend on me day and night,  but I’m going to prove to myself and to you all that I can do it. I can be passionate about my family, my career and my own personal goals and be happier and healthier for me and my family. I am Power Play’s first student.  And when I get to where I want to be and you see it for yourself, I want you to come out to see me at Los Alamos Ranch so I can show you how to do it as well.  Power Play is not just a workout and healthy eating retreat, it’s a few days gift to YOU,  to drive out to beautiful Big Bend, to pause the digital world, the crazy schedule, the kids, the career and give back to you.  YOU!

Today, I’m mentally preparing for my journey.  I’m 28 days from having my baby via cesarean and that is the day I am saying good bye to junk food.  Step 1, I’m going to start eating clean and green.  Step 2, as soon as my doctor tells me I can begin to exercise, IT’S ON!   It’s going to be a long journey, I’m going to having to walk before I run, but I’m going to do it.  Stick with me, follow my journey.  Stay tuned.

Estela Fuentez


Power Play Marfa







3 Comments Add yours

  1. hushhspeaksoflty says:

    am definitely going to enjoy this blog, am obsessed with motherhood, and feminism, you sound like such a strong woman, you may consider checking my blog ou too

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your comment! I look forward to reading yours as well!


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